Granolala in your store

Display Card QR code will link to more info about Granolala in your store

This dedicated web page will be specifically for supplementing the in-store information and experience regarding Granolala in your location

Which Granolala products you carry, pricing, store location and hours, contact info

Granolala selling points, store specific promotion info

We can link to special recipes or perhaps recommendations/discounts for complimentary in-store products

We are happy to coordinate with your marketing and social media programs to create something unique to celebrate Granolala in your store

Click to see Granolala Display Cards and merchandising materials

Granolala vertical in-store Display card with QR code
Granolala is our premium blend of toasted oats, nuts and seeds
Made locally by Marion in Innisfil

Granolala can be enjoyed with yogurt, on fruit, ice cream or pudding
No refined sugar added, lightly sweetened with natural Ontario Maple Syrup

We love it as our morning cereal with yogurt, dairy or nut milk
Straight out of the bag it’s delicious as a snack

You can also make yummy creations with
recipes on our website
✅ Granolala has no added preservatives or refined sugar

✅ Granolala contains natural ingredients

✅ Granolala is always freshly made

✅ Granolala is made with care by Marion

✅ Granolala is freshly baked in our SMDHU Inspected and Certified Kitchen 

✅ Granolala is made locally in Innisfil, Ontario

Marion signature

Reviews, Questions, Comments, let us know! We would love to hear from you - Marion